Board of Advisors

Board of Advisors

Hello victorious family. Here at Naija by Lovemore we love giving advice from the Source. Welcome to my very first blog. Now let's dive in. (Less than 5 minute read)

Having a board of advisors is so important and this is a tool you can share with loved ones and teach your children early on.

An added example for board of advisors for children on top of what I will present to you would be important contact phone numbers to memorize, a code when someone else pick them up, 911, God, Jesus, Bible, Prayer, Meditation and so on. . . 

What is a board of advisors, 

An advisory board is a body that provides non-binding strategic advice to the management of a corporation, organization, or foundation and even your life.
The informal nature of an advisory board gives greater flexibility in structure and management compared to the board of directors.
I have a board of advisors for my personal life, love life and my work life as well. Doing life alone without guidance isn’t fun.


It’s best to start out with getting a mentor whom you look up to with a fresh start in the relationship and no stock of feelings invested in that relationship already.
Acquire numerous mentors since you shall necessitate conversing with them on a more frequent basis. Especially if their pouring into you in multiple ways! It can be fulfilling to be a mentor but also politely exhausting. 

While fighting the good fight as an entrepreneur, my beauty and hair careline Naija by Lovemore needed more guidance beyond my capabilities.
I had one good mentor and needed more mentors. I stepped out on faith, opened myself up to the right mentors and was able to grow in other areas. To be honest I was scared of the unknown but I’m so glad I took the plunge. Now that's a growth goal. (Check out this video for more growth goals)

I want the same for you so save and share this blog with other friends and family. If you feel stuck and need advice visit my Wisio and select the best option suitable to your needs.
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